Jul 31, 2017
This week on XENA: WARRIOR PODCAST, we’re not in Kansas anymore. Buckle up, Totos, we’re going on a magical mystery tour through the land of Illusia! That’s right; Vera, Katie, and Livy have reached the musical masterpiece, 3x12 “The Bitter Suite.” Join us as we explore the rich symbolism and dense cinematic...
Jul 24, 2017
This week on XENA: WARRIOR PODCAST, Vera, Katie, and Livy take on a real mother of an episode, 3x11 “Maternal Instincts.” The conclusion to the trilogy begun with “The Deliverer” and “Gabrielle’s Hope,” “Maternal Instincts” picks up the dangling threads of the Rift arc and weaves them into the most...
Jul 17, 2017
Something smells fishy this week on XENA: WARRIOR PODCAST! Vera, Katie, and Livy discuss the final comedy before the Rift resumes, 3x10 “The Quill Is Mightier…” This episode features some of our favorite XWP all-stars, with Ares, Aphrodite, Joxer, and Minya all cracking wise to distract us from Xena’s absence...
Jul 10, 2017
We’re seeing double this week on XENA: WARRIOR PODCAST! Vera, Katie, and Livy catch a doppelgänger double-header of 3x08 “The King of Assassins” and 3x09 “Warrior…Priestess…Tramp.” Is it weird to watch a bunch of comedies in the middle of the pitch-dark Rift saga? Yup! Are those comedies funny? ...Yup?...
Jul 3, 2017
Girls just wanna have mail on this week’s XENA: WARRIOR PODCAST! Vera, Katie, and Livy dip into our Hermes (Hermès?) mailbag (it’s fancy! AND delivered real fast!) to answer your Qs! Topics include: how we would reboot XWP (and, more importantly, would there be bangs??), femslash’s place in fandom, Xena's and...